
Showing posts from August, 2021

How to build an automated solution

    Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services. For example, you can create a flow that adds a lead to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and a record in MailChimp whenever someone with more than 100 followers tweets about your company. Microsoft Power Automate is all about process automation. Power Automate allows anyone with knowledge of the business process to create repeatable flows that when triggered leap into action and perform the process for them.           Important concepts in Microsoft Power Automate Keep these concepts in mind when building flows: Every flow has two main parts: a trigger, and one or more actions. You can think of the trigger as the starting action for the flow. The trigger can be something like a new email arriving in your inbox or a new item being added to a SharePoint list. Actions are what you want to happen when a trigger is invoked. For example, the new email trigger will start the action of creati

Introduction to Power Automate

 Introduction                Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services. For example, you can create a flow that adds a lead to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and a record in MailChimp whenever someone with more than 100 followers tweets about your company. Microsoft Power Automate is all about process automation. Power Automate allows anyone with knowledge of the business process to create repeatable flows that when triggered leap into action and perform the process for them.                Don’t think of Power Automate as something that only builds those BIG workflows – onboarding, leave applications etc. I’ve always focussed on the Quick Wins, and that means we’ll be looking at small, simple workflows that can improve your everyday life and maybe that of your team. As your maturity and experience level grows, you can start investigating the processes that affect everyone in the company.                Flow works with connecto

Introduction to Power Apps Portals

 Introduction                     To increase the availability of portal software, Microsoft has recently replaced their older Dynamics 365 Portals with the new Power Apps Portals. The new program is designed to be an easier to use option with less coding needed for companies that want to create portals for their customers to access information Power Apps Portals can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Because it connects natively with Microsoft’s Common Data Service, Power Apps Portals can provide any information stored on the Microsoft Dynamics suite. This blog is intended to be a short guide on how to get started with a Power Apps Portal environment for those who are completely unfamiliar with the anatomy of the program.                        Apps Portals is a very useful tool despite its relative youth. Microsoft is committed to providing businesses with the ability to connect with their clients with relatively little hassle or extra costs that may be associated with normal po